LYC's Crystal Dictionary

Tiger's Eye Crystal Pairs For Protection
Black Agate - To help protect new life Amethyst - Protects you from low vibrational energy Apache Tears - Protection from Psychic Attacks Atlantisite - Protection From Psychic Attacks Green...
Tiger's Eye Crystal Pairs For Protection
Black Agate - To help protect new life Amethyst - Protects you from low vibrational energy Apache Tears - Protection from Psychic Attacks Atlantisite - Protection From Psychic Attacks Green...

Solar Plexus, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras Aids in weight loss A powerful meditation stone Helps break self defeating habits Detoxifies the body and the mind Promotes an overall sense...
Solar Plexus, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras Aids in weight loss A powerful meditation stone Helps break self defeating habits Detoxifies the body and the mind Promotes an overall sense...

Crystals For Balance
Agate - Rebalances the Mind, Body, and Spirit Black Agate - Balances the Body as You Age Pink Agate - Brings Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual Balance Tree Agate - Balances...
Crystals For Balance
Agate - Rebalances the Mind, Body, and Spirit Black Agate - Balances the Body as You Age Pink Agate - Brings Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual Balance Tree Agate - Balances...

Root Chakra Heals afflictions Brings you peace of mind Boosts concentration levels Helps to clear unhealthy eyes Able to stimulate hair growth Enhances joy and reduces stress
Root Chakra Heals afflictions Brings you peace of mind Boosts concentration levels Helps to clear unhealthy eyes Able to stimulate hair growth Enhances joy and reduces stress

Heart Chakra Provides pain relief Helps fight insomnia A green variety of mica Helps fight off allergies Calms and provides mental clarity Provides rejuvenation and renewal Helps achieve mental and...
Heart Chakra Provides pain relief Helps fight insomnia A green variety of mica Helps fight off allergies Calms and provides mental clarity Provides rejuvenation and renewal Helps achieve mental and...

All Chakras Helps keep you grounded Protects the heart chakra Powerful for manifestation Assist with deep emotional healing Enhances perception and personal power Useful for strengthening the physical body Strengthens...
All Chakras Helps keep you grounded Protects the heart chakra Powerful for manifestation Assist with deep emotional healing Enhances perception and personal power Useful for strengthening the physical body Strengthens...