All Chakras
- Helps keep you grounded
- Protects the heart chakra
- Powerful for manifestation
- Assist with deep emotional healing
- Enhances perception and personal power
- Useful for strengthening the physical body
- Strengthens your ability of personal growth
- Must be programed with your desired intent
- HAs the ability to increase your energy levels
- Helps you relax into your new found knowledge
- Helps you to live up to your own demands on yourself
- Color range is from yellowish-green to greenish-black
- Chemical composition of Ca2(Al2,Fe)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
- Improve relationships in which jealousy tends to be an issue
- Stimulates the immune system and aids in the healing process
- Often associated with amphiboles, feldspars, quartz, and chlorite
- Assists in releasing patterns of negativity from the emotional body
- Increases memory, making it a helpful when looking for lost objects
- Supports the body’s healing process and helps you look after yourself
- Helps you stay centered making it perfect for those who have been victimized
- Helps you practice raising your vibrations in order to make important changes
- Aligns you with parallel realities in which you already know how to love freely
- Dispels criticalness helping you look at your strengths and weaknesses objectively
- Excellent for working on cancerous tumors, cystitis, fibrosis and similar manifestations
- Has the ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies
- Teaches you how to set realistic goals, it moves you away from unattainable expectations
- Enhances the energy of anything it touches, including crystals, humans, and other entities
- Will bring to the surface the underlying core causes of obesity and so facilitate weight loss
- Assures you that all your basic needs are met with an abundance left over to share with others
- Was identified as a separate mineral until the beginning of the nineteenth century by the French crystallographer Rene-Just Haüy
- A silicate mineral that is commonly found in regionally metamorphosed rocks of low-to-moderate grade
- Helpful if you are stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking patterns
- Helpful for stamina, the nervous and immune systems, cellular memory and dehydration, It supports the brain, thyroid, liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands
- Can help you if you habitually use judgement, sarcasm, wit or other expressions of negativity to raise the energy of your emotional body to a more positive and enlightened level
- I am filled with clarity and light
- I focus on the positive to clear my life of outmoded and unwanted patterns.
- Energy: Projective and Receptive
- Planets: Earth, Jupiter
- Element: Water, Earth
- Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo, Libra
- Healing
- Manifestation
- Strength
- Personal Power
- Enhancing
- Emotional Healing
- Advanced Practitioner