LYC's Crystal Dictionary

Root, Solar Plexus, and Third eye Chakras 3 billion years old Signifies deep love Powerful meditation stone Extremely grounding stone Increases synchronicity and luck Symbolizes the gift of sovereignty Enhances...
Root, Solar Plexus, and Third eye Chakras 3 billion years old Signifies deep love Powerful meditation stone Extremely grounding stone Increases synchronicity and luck Symbolizes the gift of sovereignty Enhances...

Third Eye and Crown Chakras Aids in focus Have a high vibration Helps you be more open Stimulates astral projection Great for gazing and scrying Eases stress, worries, and fears...
Third Eye and Crown Chakras Aids in focus Have a high vibration Helps you be more open Stimulates astral projection Great for gazing and scrying Eases stress, worries, and fears...

Blue Spot Jasper
Heart and Throat Chakras Brings calmness Promotes courage Stabilizes the aura Builds inner strength Balances yin yang energy Stimulates the throat chakra Helps you stay in the moment Emits slow...
Blue Spot Jasper
Heart and Throat Chakras Brings calmness Promotes courage Stabilizes the aura Builds inner strength Balances yin yang energy Stimulates the throat chakra Helps you stay in the moment Emits slow...

aka Tufa, Tchazar Crystal, Sputnik Cluster, Star Cluster, Golf Ball Aragonite Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras Heals old wounds Aids concentration Clears blocked chakras Can also appear colorless Relieves...
aka Tufa, Tchazar Crystal, Sputnik Cluster, Star Cluster, Golf Ball Aragonite Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras Heals old wounds Aids concentration Clears blocked chakras Can also appear colorless Relieves...

aka The Jumper Cable, Red Copper or Ruby Copper Root and Sacral Chakras Increases your energy Helps relieve your stress Awakens Kundalini energy An extremely rare gemstone Helps heal terminal...
aka The Jumper Cable, Red Copper or Ruby Copper Root and Sacral Chakras Increases your energy Helps relieve your stress Awakens Kundalini energy An extremely rare gemstone Helps heal terminal...

Turquoise Howlite
aka Turquoise Howlite, Turqurenite Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras Assists astral travel during sleep Helps you organize your emotions Enables the understanding of dreams Useful for realizing dreams and...
Turquoise Howlite
aka Turquoise Howlite, Turqurenite Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras Assists astral travel during sleep Helps you organize your emotions Enables the understanding of dreams Useful for realizing dreams and...