Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian

Root and Third Eye Chakras

  • Volcanic glass
  • Calming and soothing 
  • Clears you of toxicities
  • Dissolves blockages and tension
  • It is a calming and cooling stone
  • Balances the mind body and spirit
  • Empowers isolation and loneliness
  • Helps you surrender during meditation
  • A purity stone that removes negativity
  • Comes from the raw energy of the Earth
  • Promotes dispassion and inner centering
  • Represents uniqueness and individuality 
  • Wipes away all the doubts and confusion
  • Teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes
  • Helps purify all negativity that exists inside of you
  • Helps you recognize and change unhealthy patterns
  • Aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure
  • Can also help you joint pain and hardening of the arteries
  • Usually black in color, with white patches called Phenocryst
  • Improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms 
  • Emotional releases will be hot at first, but will eventually cool down
  • Helps you overcome lingering energies of regret from making a mistake
  • Helps you recognize and release wrong thinking and stressful mental patterns
  • Large deposits of Snowflake Obsidian can be found in Mexico, Iceland, and the USA


  • I courageously see through the darkness of adversity to make positive changes that light up my life
  • I ask my guides for help to find my best path forward
  • I am strong and highly adaptable


  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planets: Earth
  • Element: Earth
  • Zodiacs: Virgo, Capricorn


  • Purity
  • Balance
  • Serenity
  • Balance during changes 
  • Purification 
  • Transformation 
  • Fulfilment 
  • Manifestation 
  • Practicality 
  • Psychic ability
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