“A Stone of Order”
Heart, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras
- Calms an active mind
- Harmonizes spiritual energies
- Helps you see the bigger picture
- Taps into your subconscious mind
- Absorbs negative energy and stress
- Brings inner guidance and protection
- Helps clear your mind from distractions
- Increases concentration, self-confidence
- Encourages positivity and balances energy
- Assists in helping you see the bigger picture
- The mineral form of CaF ( Calcium Fluorite )
- Stimulates your mind and aids in quick thinking
- Boosts immune system and stimulates regeneration
- Helps you find balance in life and stabilizes emotions
- Improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally
- Aids in decision-making, which makes it excellent to help you learn
- Stimulates your ability to manifest ideas and bring ideas to fruition
- Boosts psychic awareness and works specifically with the mental plane
- One of the most powerful crystals for energy cleansing and rejuvenation of the aura
- Helps reduce pain as well as assists in the healing respiratory issues, arthritis, and skin problems
- Named after the Latin word Fluere, meaning to flow, stemming to fluorite’s ability to act as a flux between metals
- Protects you from negative energy from yourself and others including anxiety, stress, and depression
- My mind is clear and I am ready
- I am free of all negative energies
- I am laser focused and make decisions with ease
- Energy: Projective
- Planets: Neptune
- Element: Water
- Zodiacs: Capricorn, Pisces
- Inner peace
- Grounding
- Clarity
- Learning
- Decision Making
- Focus