Aka The Stone of Awakening
Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras
- Enhances Creativity
- Stimulates forgiveness
- Commonly found in quartz
- Great for emotional support
- Clears stress within the body
- Helps you with emotional healing
- Stimulates you to communicate with truth
- Aids healers and brings peace and harmony
- Aids with sweet and loving communication
- A blue or blue-green copper silicate material
- Helps you have a strong ability to concentrate
- An excellent stone for spiritual teachers to use
- Helps you communicate with angels and spirit
- Aids in healing karmic wounds from past lives
- Has also been found in Zimbabwe and South Africa
- Aids in manifestation by removing self limiting beliefs
- Stimulates forgiveness and compassion towards others
- Use in meditation to elevate you to the spiritual realms
- Aids your Lightbody in uniting with your physical body
- Will clear all of the chakras of any disharmonious energy
- Brings a quiet and peaceful change within your entire body
- Allows you to perceive and understand the reasons for past life situations
- Helps to release past life wounds from the Atlantian and Lemurian civilizations
- Aids you to communicate wisdom learned on the spiritual plane to those on earth
- The name of this stone comes from Ajo, Arizona USA where it was first discovered
- Any pain or attachments of negative entities will be gently released by its vibration
- I am connected with the spiritual plane
- I am one with my truth
- I heal my past wounds with grace and courage
- Energy: Projective
- Planets: Saturn
- Element: Water
- Zodiacs: All
- Love
- Healing
- Emotional Support
- Angelic Connections
- Communication
- Past Life Wounds