Crystals for Energy
Dragon’s Vein Agate - Promotes energy
Anyolite - Provides the right amount of spiritual energy
Apophyllite - Energizes your spirit, An energy conductor
Aquamarine - Helps you receive new energy and clears away old energy
Green Aventurine - Helps you maintain energy
Axinite - Strengthens life force energy
Bloodstone - Restores energy, Fuels energy levels
Carnelian - Provides masculine energy, Is the color of energy,
Chalcopyrite - Maintains your physical energy
Chrysocolla - Embodies goddess energy
Emerald - Represents free flowing energy
Epidote - Raises the energy of your emotional body
Ethyrite - Charges you with divine energy, Assists with energy flow
Fluorite - Harmonizes spiritual energy
Goldstone - Allows for energy flow between realms
Blue Goldstone - Connects you to divine energy
Labradorite - Connects you to universal energies, Removes unwanted energies
Moonstone - Helps you find new energies
Morganite - Strengthens heart energy
Nebula - Harmonizes with your personal energy, Provides supportive energy
Nuummite- Releases energy trapped in the subconscious
Fire Opal - Rekindles lost spiritual energy
Pyrite - Provides masculine energy, Protects you using earth energies
Raspberry Quartz - Treats energy flow disorders
Strawberry Quartz - Stimulates the hearts energy systems
Rhodonite - Quiets psychic energies
Rose Quartz - Expands heart energy, Circulates divine energy
Black Salt - Deflects energy
Sunstone - Carries energies to uplift you, Cuts energetic cords
Tiger’s Eye - Energizes the emotional body
Black Tourmaline - Protects against EMF and 5G energy
Increase Energy
Lava Rock
Mookaite Jasper
Clear Quartz
Removes Energy Blockages
Crazy Lace Agate
Black Tourmaline
Tourmalinated Quartz
For Energy Fields (aka the Aura)
Botswana Agate - Brings healing energy to the aura
Tree Agate - Clears energy blockages in the aura
Anyolite - Engages your energetic field
Bloodstone - Dispels unwanted energies from the aura
Black obsidian - Cleanses the aura of negative energy
Prehnite - Provides a protective energy field
Rhodochrosite - Connects you to the body’s energetic field
Selenite - Clears energy blocks in the aura
Tourmalinated Quartz - Connects you to others energy fields
White Quartzite - Aligns the energy field
Turquoise - Strengthens subtle energy fields
High Vibrational Energies
Red tiger’s eye
Raises Vibrational Energies
Blue Goldstone
Black Salt
Generate Energy
Blue Goldstone
Rutilated Quartz
Cleanses and Clears Energy
Black agate
Ajoite - Clears disharmonious energy
Tourmalinated Quartz
Balance Energy
Tourmalinated Quartz
Enhance Energy
Tree Agate
Clear Quartz
Combatting Energy Vampires
Dragon’s Vein Agate
Red Aventurine
Amplify Energy
Chevron Amethyst - Amplifies energy needed for manifestation
Clear Quartz