Date: September 23 - October 22
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Quality: Cardinal
Duality: Active
Energy: Masculine
Birthstone: Opal
Symbol: Scales
Lucky Numbers: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60
Ruling House: 7th (Partnerships)
God: Goddess of Women and Marriage (Hera)
Day: Friday
Tarot: Justice
Colors: White, Yellow, Green
Body Part: Kidneys, Skin, Lumbar Region, Endocrine System, Buttocks
Stones: Topaz, Quartz, Marble, Pink Tourmaline
Metal: Aluminum, Copper, Bronze
Herbs: Marjoram, Sweet Pea
Incense: Galbanum
Animals: Elephant
- Charming
- Collaborative
- Considerate
- Diplomatic
- Easy-Going
- Harmonious
- Merciful
- Nature
- Open-minded
- Polished
Socially Developed
- Abnormal Self-Pity
- Escapes Conflict
- Gullible
- Holds Grudges
- Hypocritical
- Indecisive
- Inherent
- Passive Aggressive
Libra Energy
Quite charming
Seeks to create unity
Can be mistaken as lazy
Harmony is very important
Can become great mediators
Has a sharp dislike of conflict
Extremely diplomatic and fair
What it says is carefully chosen
Often be seen as being indecisive
Sometimes hard to trust its words
Chatty and sociable, it loves to talk
Rather easy for it to be self-sacrificing
Doesn’t always share or reveal its feelings
Has a very strong sense of right and wrong
Peace in all aspects of its life is an imperative
Sometimes they can come off as a people pleaser
Deeply concerned about what is fair in the world
Sometimes avoidant when it comes to confrontation
Doesn’t like to see anyone treated brashly or unfairly
Finds happiness in seeing the smile on the faces of others
Loves physical exercise and tends to like running and marathons
Loves to share its possessions and knowledge with those around it
Will not be happy or fulfilled until it finds and implements balance
Likes to weigh the best options for itself and everyone else around it
Hates to see others be unhappy around it due to unequal circumstances
Inability to be direct with their feelings also can sometimes make them seem weak
Will only be frustrated and unhappy if it thinks or feels that it hasn’t been treated fairly
Constant bottling up of its feelings can mean it can either be passive aggressive or explode one day
Being fair can cause problems if it has a family member or friend who feels they should take priority
You can be assured that when it makes a decision, that it will give the best results for all parties involved
Often great to go to when you need a carefully weighed answer to a question or some well thought out advice
Meditation can be very helpful as it helps create a space where it can make decisions and contemplate without interruptions
1 comment
So me especially the weakness